Mortgage Broker Services
Trust Mortgage supports a large network of commercial mortgage brokers. Our correspondents typically earn in excess of one point based on the finance and placement fees on any FHA loan.

Commercial Mortgage Brokers/Correspondents
Trust Mortgage supports a large network of commercial mortgage brokers. Our correspondents typically earn in excess of one point based on the finance and placement fees on any FHA loan. This fee is typically paid to you within one day of a closing. We strive to protect the special relationship that you have fostered with your borrower – and we put that protection in writing for two years from his/her last submission.
The best protection is that you become our correspondent when we send the engagement letter on any loan. This protects you in three major areas:
It’s secure: You never have to go through your borrower for fees, we secure your payment
It’s cost-neutral: It does not cost the borrower any more to use your services than if he/she called us direct. This is a big difference between FHA loans and other loans. Your client will continue to depend on your consultation and guidance for this and future transactions.
It cuts through red tape: In this scenario, you are our partner, not a broker. This alleviates issues that you may have with licensing as states require various forms of commercial mortgage brokers licenses. The license issue goes away when the lender pays you, not the borrower. You are responsible for understanding any local laws in your state or municipality as they may apply.
Tips for Brokers/Correspondents
Trust Mortgage is only offering FHA insured loans currently.
Please use our simple one page Quote Sheet to receive prompt attention. This ensures the information we receive is standardized and allows us to respond quickly.
The property should be under the control of the borrower when you contact us.
We are happy to speak with you to discuss any questions you have on the program: 1-800-LENDER-1
We offer our correspondents training materials, free mailing/cold call lists, and template marketing materials that you can customize. Please call us at 800-LENDER-1 (800-536-3371) with any questions or email us at for further information.